What is URL?

URL means Uniform Resource Locator.In URL there are many parts.Following are the main component of URL.

1.)http :–This is hyper text transfer protocol  Another  protocol is FTP(File Transfer Protocol) .

2.)WWW—-This is world wide web.This is a logical server on which all information of the world is stored.All web server are connected to this server. Another logical server for some Russian countrie’s sites is WWWC(w3c=World wide web consortium).This works same as WWW for  websites.

3.)Website name—-This is also a main part of any URL.This is a static IP address for that Website, Which can be written as character string to remember website name.For example-Website url…………http://www.yahoo.com                                        here yahoo is website name and it’s static ip address is  ( and many other static IP address for yahoo.Here yahoo=

4.)Website extension—-This is used to know ,which type of website it is.Such as .com extension stands for commercial websites.Another example .org stands for organisation.There are many other extension such as .net, .co.in, .ac.in and more.

For example ——URL——-http://www.yahoo.com ,http://www.mnit.ac.in

Here  http stands for hyper text transfer protocal.

www stands for world wide web.

yahoo stands for static ip address of yahoo website.

.com stands for commercial website.

When we type url to access website,then this is sent to the server.Server searches for that static IP address and returns HTML coded information to the client.Client’s web browser converts this page into readable content.Thus we get information over the internet.

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Unicode is a universal character encoding  standard. It defines the way individual characters are represented in text files, web pages, and other types of documents.While we view text documents as lines of text, computers actually see them as binary data, or a series of ones and zeros. Therefore, the characters within a text document must be represented by numeric codes. In order to accomplish this, the text is saved using one of several types of character encoding.Example—ASCII,UTF-8,UTF-16,UTF-32,UTF-7   (Here UTF means “unicode transformation code”)

Unlike ASCII, which was designed to represent only basic English characters, Unicode was designed to support characters from all languages around the world. The standard ASCII character set only supports 128 characters, while Unicode can support roughly 1,000,000 characters. While ASCII only uses one byte to represent each character, Unicode supports up to 4 bytes for each character.

There are several different types of Unicode encodings, though UTF-8 and UTF-16 are the most common. UTF-8 has become the standard character encoding used on the Web and is also the default encoding used by many software programs. While UTF-8 supports up to four bytes per character, it would be inefficient to use four bytes to represent frequently used characters. Therefore, UTF-8 uses only one byte to represent common English characters. European (Latin), Hebrew, and Arabic characters are represented with two bytes, while three bytes are used to Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and other Asian characters. Additional Unicode characters can be represented with four bytes.

Many word processing programs do not allow you to view the character encoding of open documents, though some display the encoding on the bottom of the document window or within the file properties. If you want to see the type of character encoding used by a webpage, you can select View → View Source to view the HTML of the page. The character encoding, if defined, will be in the header section, near the top of the HTML. A page that uses UTF-8 encoding may include one of the following text snippets below, depending on the version of the HTML.

XHTML:  <meta http-equiv=”Content-Type” content=”text/html; charset=utf-8″ />
HTML 5: <meta charset=”UTF-8″>

Batch File

A batch file is a type of script that contains a list of commands. These commands are executed in sequence and can be used to automate processes.Batch files are run by the COMMAND.COM program, which is part of DOS and Windows. Therefore, batch files can only be run within the Windows operating system. Macintosh and Unix have other scripting tools, such as AppleScript and Unix shell commands, that can be used for similar tasks. Because batch files contain executable commands, it is important not to open unknown batch files on your hard disk or in e-mail attachments.

It is a text file containing a series of commands to be executed by the command interpreter.

file extension for batch file——  .bat , .cmd , .btm

Simple example for batch file—–

This example batch file displays “Hello World!”, prompts and waits for the user to press a key, and terminates.

@ECHO off
ECHO Hello World!

To execute this,first save this file with file extension .bat in notepad.This file is called bath file.
After execution this will be displayed like this–

Hello World!
Press any key to continue . . .

The interpreter executes each line in turn, starting with the first. The @ symbol at the start of the line turns off the prompt from displaying that command. The command ECHO off turns off the prompt permanently, or until it is turned on again. Then the next line is executed, the ECHO Hello World! command outputs Hello World!, as only off and on have special functions. Then the next line is executed, the PAUSE command displays Press any key to continue . . . and pauses the script’s execution until a key is pressed, when the script terminates as there are no more commands. In Windows, if the script is run within a Command Prompt window, the window remains open at the prompt as in MS-DOS, otherwise the command prompt windows closes on termination (unless the batch file has a command to prevent this).

Advanced window batch file example for conditional shutdown—


@echo off
color 0A
title Conditional Shutdown.

echo Welcome, %USERNAME%
echo What would you like to do?
echo 1. Shutdown in specified time
echo 2. Shutdown at a specified time
echo 3. Shutdown now
echo 4. Restart now
echo 5. Log off now
echo 6. Hibernate now
echo 0. Quit

set /p choice=”Enter your choice: ”
if “%choice%”==”1” goto shutdown
if “%choice%”==”2” goto shutdown-clock
if “%choice%”==”3” shutdown.exe -s -f
if “%choice%”==”4” shutdown.exe -r -f
if “%choice%”==”5” shutdown.exe -l -f
if “%choice%”==”6” shutdown.exe -h -f
if “%choice%”==”0″ exit
echo Invalid choice: %choice%
goto start

set /p min=”Minutes until shutdown: ”
set /a sec=60*%min%
shutdown.exe -s -f -t %sec%
echo Shutdown initiated at %time%
goto cancel

echo the time format is HH:MM:SS (24 hour time)
echo example: 14:30:00 for 2:30 PM
set /p tmg=enter the time that you wish the computer to shutdown on:
schtasks.exe /create /sc ONCE /tn shutdown /st %tmg% /tr “shutdown.exe -s -t 00″
echo shutdown initiated at %tmg%

set /p cancel=”Type cancel to stop shutdown: ”
if not “%cancel%”==”cancel” exit
shutdown.exe -a
schtasks.exe /end /tn shutdown
schtasks.exe /delete /tn shutdown
echo Shutdown is cancelled.


Save this as anoop.bat in notepad.Now open this file you will find like this—
welcome username
What would you like to do?
1. shutdown in specific time
2. shutdown at a specific time
3. shutdown now
4. Restart now
5. Log off now
6. Hibernate now

0. quit
enter your choice

Now chose your choice & press enter and get the result.
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God Mode in Windows 7

In 32-bit Vista and Windows 7 you can create an empty folder with that name and suddenly have instant access to many configuration options in one place.

[Note: The following works in both 32-bit Windows Vista and Windows 7. It may cause problems in the 64-bit versions.]

Sometimes finding the exact link to some configuration change you want to make in Windows can be a frustrating experience. There sometimes seems to be no rhyme nor reason to the organization that tells you were to obviously look. Use this little trick and you can have many of those configuration links in a single place so all you have to do is scroll down to find the one you want.

This option in Windows is commonly called “God mode” because it puts you in complete control in one place. I can go with that so here’s how to create the GodMode folder.

Or  Want to activate GodMode in Windows 7——

I’ve broken it down into five-step process to avoid confusion:—–

1).Right click.

2).Click create folder.

3)Name your  new folder this, “GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}” and press enter.


Folder will be like this

Folder will be like this

5).Open the folder and access your all window setting.

Image will be like this….


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Cookies are small, often encrypted text files, located in browser directories. They are used by web developers to help users navigate their websites efficiently and perform certain functions. Due to their core role of enhancing/enabling usability or site processes, disabling cookies may prevent user from using certain websites.Without cookies, websites and their servers have no memory.Without a cookie every time you open a new web page the server where that page is stored will treat you like a completely new visitor.

Cookies are created when browser loads a particular website. The website sends information to the browser which then creates a text file. Every time the user goes back to the same website, the browser retrieves and sends this file to the website’s server. Computer Cookies are created not just by the website the user is browsing but also by other websites that run ads, widgets, or other elements on the page being loaded. These cookies regulate how the ads appear or how the widgets and other elements function on the page.

Session cookies—-Session cookies enable the website you are visiting to keep track of your movement from page to page so you don’t get asked for the same information you’ve already given to the site. Cookies allow you to proceed through many pages of a site quickly and easily without having to authenticate or reprocess each new area you visit. Session cookies allow users to be recognized within a website so any page changes or item or data selection you do is remembered from page to page. The most common example of this functionality is the shopping cart feature of any e-commerce site. When you visit one page of a catalog and select some items, the session cookie remembers your selection so your shopping cart will have the items you selected when you are ready to check out. Without session cookies, if you click CHECKOUT, the new page does not recognize your past activities on prior pages and your shopping cart will always be empty.

Persistent cookies—Persistent cookies help websites remember your information and settings when you visit them in the future. This result in faster and more convenient access since, for example, you don’t have to login again.Besides authentication, other website features made possible by persistent cookies include: language selection, theme selection, menu preferences, internal site bookmarks.During your visit, you select your preferences and these preferences are remembered, through the use of the persistent cookie, the next time you visit the site.  For example, a website may offer its contents in different languages. On your first visit, you may choose to have the content delivered in Hindi and the site may record that preference in a persistent cookie set on your browser. When you revisit that site it will use the cookie to ensure that the content is delivered in Hindi.

Cookies are not viruses.Cookies use a plain text format. They are not compiled pieces of code so they cannot be executed nor are they self-executing. Accordingly, they cannot make copies of themselves and spread to other networks to execute and replicate again. Since they cannot perform these functions, they fall outside the standard virus definition.


A utility to determine whether a specific ip address is accessible. It works by sending a packet to the specified address and waiting for a reply. PING is used primarily to troubleshoot internet connections.Ping tools are part of Windows, Mac OS X and Linux as well as some routers and game consoles.

It is used for testing internet connection.To do this follow this procedure——-

–>press window key +R

–>Then write ping -t

–>Then a window will appear if this shows “request time out” it means internet packet are not coming ,means internet disconnected.

if this type lines are shown “Reply from  bytes=32 time=206ms  TTL=44” it means internet packet are coming ,means browser  is       connected to internet.



Web Pages

A web page or webpage is a information resource that is suitable for the World Wide Web and can be accessed through a web browser and displayed on a monitor or mobile devices. This information is usually in HTML or XHTML format, and may provide navigation to other web pages via hypertext links.

A Web page is a simple text file that contains not only text, but also a set of HTML tags that describe how the text should be formatted when a browser displays it on the screen. The tags are simple instructions that tell the Web browser how the page should look when it is displayed. The tags tell the browser to do things like change the font size or color, or arrange things in columns. The Web browser interprets these tags to decide how to format the text onto the screen.

HTML stands for Hyper Text Markup Language. A “markup language” is a computer language that describes how a page should be formatted. If all you want to do is display a long string of black and white text with no formatting, then you don’t need HTML. But if you want to change fonts, add colors, create headlines and embed graphics in your page, HTML is the language you use to do it.

Let’s take a look at the “guts” of a Web page. This is the original text and HTML tags typed by the author and interpreted by the browser to produce the Web page you actually SEE on the Internet. With your mouse, right-click on any blank portion of this page and choose “View Source.” A new window will appear, displaying words and characters, some of which may look pretty technical and foreign. These words and characters are, collectively, the HTML programming code you are about to learn. Each element within that code is known as an HTML tag. Don’t be intimidated by how complex it looks — you’ll be surprised at how easy it really is. When you are done looking at the page’s source code, simply close out the source page to return to this article.

One of the best parts about Web pages is the ability to create links to other pages on the Web. Using the following anchor tags, you can reference other people’s work, point to other pages you like, etc:

<a href=”URL”>

Type in the title of the page after the anchor tag, and close the anchor with:



<a href=”http://www.humfaltu.wordpress.com”>Humfaltu </a>

This is how it will look on your page:


You can also easily combine bulleted lists with links to create a list of links.

Pop-Up and Pop-Under Window

A pop-up window is a type of window that opens without the user selecting “New Window” from a program’s File menu. Pop-up windows are often generated by websites that include pop-up advertisements. These ads are produced with JavaScript code that is inserted into the HTML of a Web page. They typically appear when a user visits a page or closes a window. Some pop-up ads show up in front of the main window, while others show up behind the main browser window. Ads that appear behind open windows are also called “pop-under” ads.

Regardless of where pop-up advertisements appear on your screen, they can be pretty annoying. Fortunately, browser developers have realized this and most Web browsers now include an option to block pop-up windows. If you are noticing pop-up windows appear on your computer when your browser is not open, you may have an adware program running on your computer. The best solution to this problem is to run an anti-spyware program that will locate and remove the malware from your system.

Pop-up ads are forms of online advertising on the world wide web intended to attract web traffic or capture email addresses. Pop-ups are generally new web browser windows to display advertisements.


Windows users will see this term a lot when looking for files on the Internet. A zip file (.zip) is a “zipped” or compressed file. For example, when you download a file, if the filename looks like this: “filename.zip,” you are downloading a zipped file. “Zipping” a file involves compressing one or more items into a smaller archive. A zipped file takes up less hard drive space and takes less time to transfer to another computer. This is why most Windows files that you find on the Internet are compressed.

To use a zipped file, you’ll need to unzip it first.PKZIP for DOS, or WinZip for Windows, are some popular programs that can unzip files for you.

Most software that you download from the Internet will arrive as a self-extracting zip file. Typically, by double-clicking on a self-extracting zip file, it will automatically extract, decompress, and store the individual files. One of these files is usually called the “setup.exe” file. Double-clicking on this file will cause the software to be installed as a selectable program in your operating system.

Uses for Zip files

Typical uses for Zip files include:

  • Distributing files on the Internet: Only one download is required to obtain all related files, and file transfer is quicker because the archived files are compressed.
  • Sending a group of related files to an associate: When you distribute a collection of files as a single Zip file, you benefit from the file grouping as well as compression.
  • Saving disk space: If you have large files that are important but seldom used, such as large data files, simply compress the files into a Zip file and then unzip (or “extract”) them only when needed.

How can I create a winzip file?

To create a new Zip file, open WinZip in the WinZip Wizard mode. (If the WinZip Wizard does not open by default, just click the Wizard button in the toolbar.) You will be asked “What do you want to do?” Simply select “Create a new Zip file” and click Next. The WinZip Wizard will guide you through the entire process.

When you become more familiar with Zip file operations, you can also try the WinZip Classic interface. The Classic interface offers many advanced features that are not available in the WinZip Wizard. Using the Classic interface, you can split large Zip files into smaller parts to overcome e-mail and other size limits; view, extract, and run individual files in a Zip file; remove files from an existing Zip file; encrypt your confidential files so that they can’t be used without a password; and much more. To try the Classic interface, simply click the WinZip Classic button in the WinZip Wizard.

Here are some of the things you can do using drag and drop:

  • Compress files and folders by dragging them to a Zip file. It doesn’t matter where the Zip file is: it could be open in a WinZip window; it could be listed in an Explorer window; it could be an icon on the desktop; it could even be showing in the Open File listing of an application. It doesn’t matter where the files and folders you want to add are, either. If you can see the Zip file and what you want to add to it, just drag and drop, and WinZip does the rest.
  • Add files to the archive of your choice by dragging them to the WinZip desktop icon.
  • Extract files from a Zip file by dragging them from a WinZip window to the folder of your choice.
  • Extract all of the files from a Zip file by dragging it with the right mouse button to a folder or folder icon.
  • Open or view files in a Zip file by dragging them from the WinZip window to the appropriate application icon or window.
  • Print files from a Zip file by dragging them to a printer or printer icon.

And you can perform the most-needed Zip operations using Explorer context menus, too; just select the items of interest (files, folders, or Zip files), right click, and:

  • Add the items to a Zip file. You can choose an automatically named Zip file, a Zip file of your own choosing (including new ones), or you can pick from a list of recently used Zip files.
  • Zip and E-Mail the selected items.

If the selected item is a Zip file, you can:

  • Extract files. You can extract to the current folder, an automatically named subfolder, any of a list of recently used folders, or any folder of your choice. You can even extract from multiple Zip files in one operation by selecting them all before right-clicking.
  • Print a listing of the files contained in the Zip file.
  • Convert the Zip file to a self-extracting Zip file.
  • Encrypt the Zip file using either AES encryption or standard Zip 2.0 encryption.

The WinZip Wizard is ideal for first-time and casual WinZip users. When you gain confidence or want to use more advanced zipping features, the more powerful WinZip Classic interface is just a mouse click away.